Centralia, PA - Photos
Here are some more pictures I've taken on various trips to Centralia..

One of the houses in Centralia.

411 Troutwine Street. Former home of Lamar Mervine (February 11, 1916–January 1, 2010), the mayor of Centralia.

Home on Troutwine Street in Centralia, PA.

Abandoned section of Highway 61.

A sign on the abandoned section of Highway 61 in Centralia, PA.

An abandoned home in Centralia, PA.

Locust Avenue, looking south.

A cluster of houses on Myers Street in Centralia, PA.

A house on Mahanoy Street.

Centralia Centennial Vault - to be opened in 2016.

The scorched area near South Street in Centralia.

Warning sign for the underground mine fire.
The images in this collection are (c) Karl Xydexx Jorgensen. Please don't use these without permission.