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Centralia, PA - Links

Here is additional information about Centralia and the surrounding area.


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  • - Ritamarie Long's website, which has an amazing panoramic photo of Centralia circa 1983, and rosters of former residents of Centralia and Brynesville.
  • Town Atop a Burning Coal Mine - Roadside America's page about Centralia.
  • Place Taste and The Taste of Place - An article by John B. Krygier, published in Globehead! The Journal of Extreme Geography (Volume 1: Thing 2, 1995).
  • Centralia, Pennsylvania - An offroad site with a collection of pictures they've taken themselves (and many they've taken from other Centralia sites on the web...)
  • Centralia Visit, July 1999 - Tom Gryn's page about his visit to Centralia, complete with pictures and descriptions.


  • Byrnesville, PA Resource Guide - Byrnesville was the town just south of Centralia, also abandoned because of the fire.
  • Byrnesville, PA - Mike Reilley's page on Brynesville, complete with pictures of the town before and after.